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Opinion: Spring Sports Offer Fun and Exercise

Monroe-Woodbury High School gives all students the opportunity to participate in spring sports. The sports M-W offers for boys are lacrosse, baseball, track and field, tennis and golf. For girls there is softball, lacrosse, track and field, golf and flag football. The majority of these sports have different levels of experience, such as Junior Varsity and Varsity.

Students don’t need to have years of experience to play their preferred sport. In 7th grade, I participated in track and field. Before then, I’ve never had any involvement in that sport.

Sports are not only composed of games, but also practices which happen every week. These practices give you the chance to play the sport you enjoy, even if you are not a starter in games. It also gives you the chance to improve on your skills in the sport of your choice.

Even if you are not the best athlete in the world, there are still benefits from participating in a sport, like making new friends and staying healthy.

Aside from filling up your spare time, actively participating in a sport will allow you to stay in shape. Exercising is important for everyone and plenty of it will come with doing a sport.

An added bonus to doing a sport are the friends that can come along with it. Yes, you may start a sport with a friend but along the way you may meet some new people who you could become great friends with. From my personal experience, playing school soccer and basketball exposed me to people from different grades, and now some of them are my best friends.

Playing a sport is also a great thing to put on college applications. It shows that you are able to stay active and social, outside of the school day. 

If I don’t have an after school sport, I come home, go inside my house and sit on my phone…So participating in a spring sport gives you the chance to be outside and a reason to spend your time being active and staying healthy. 

— Grace Gillette

Spring is a great time of year for sports. The weather is warming up, and being outside starts to become more of an option. Whether you are running for track and field or swinging a bat for softball/baseball, fresh air is good. In my personal experience if I don’t have an after school sport, I come home, go inside my house and sit on my phone. I know this is true for others especially if you have access to a phone. So participating in a spring sport gives you the chance to be outside and a reason to spend your time being active and staying healthy. 

I have not played a spring sport due to my travel soccer club activities, but I have noticed that even though I still have soccer practice a few days a week, after school I just come home and do nothing. In a way you can say I am bored and just end up turning to my phone. If I didn’t participate in soccer outside of school, I would definitely be doing a spring sport. 

You should join a spring sport and see all the benefits that come your way. Don’t forget to have fun through the process because if you are not having fun there’s no point!      

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