Monroe-Woodbury Art Show to be Held Online Due to COVID-19
February artist of the month Danae Drews will be one of artists displayed during this year’s art show.
May 22, 2020
Due to the closing of schools, the Monroe-Woodbury art show will become available virtually during the month of June 2020. The district art show is going to include art from all M-W buildings, displaying the work using Google Sites.
The logistics of the show are being handled by Ms. McGuckin and Mr. Gawron.
“Each student is working on ways to creatively display their physical pieces in a digital world,” said Mr. Gawron.
Unlike the usual art show, this year the high school will not be having an auction.
“I think it’s really nice that they’re doing something,” said senior art major Brooke Schoen. “I’d be really disappointed if I wouldn’t be able to display my work.”
Although some students have a somewhat positive outlook on this new way of sharing art, other students have been affected by this change in a bleak manner.
“The idea of having a chance to show what I can do and enjoy my moment as a senior, that I dreamily looked forward to, and now it’s not going to happen. It’s devastating. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, it is heartbreaking,” said senior art major Danaé Drews, “so, I’m going to put everything I have into the online show.”
Each senior art major will have a section of the online show dedicated to showing his or her work, as well as giving a biography about themselves.
Abigail Baier said, “I think an online art show is better than no art show at all… For me though, art is meant to be experienced in person and online just doesn’t do it justice.”
All of the students and staff members are working hard to try to capture the true light of each of the pieces digitally as they would be physically.
“I think that it’s been a good opportunity to work on skills all artists must have: flexibility, creativity, and determination,” said Alyssa Kamara, a senior art major. “Despite the difficulties, it’s been a successful year.”