What are students and staff thankful for on Thanksgiving?

Caroline Harrington, Staff Writer

Thanksgiving is a truly American holiday that was started by the Pilgrims in 1621. Many people celebrate by getting together with family and focus on one thing: food.

When asked what her favorite thing about Thanksgiving was, senior, Sacha McLean says, “I’m not going to be cliche and say that I am thankful for my health because your health can diminish over time. I am thankful for the fact that I am able to have everything I have, like my parents, my schooling, my education and just being able to live every day.”

McLean also says that it makes her happy and fulfilling when she cooks traditional meals for her family. When asked about her favorite Thanksgiving food, McLean says that she couldn’t pick just one, so she settled with oxtails and macaroni with some rice and peas with some collard greens, she also said, “When my mom and I are in the kitchen, we be getting it.”

Ms. Capul said about Thanksgiving, “I like to always make people say what they’re grateful for, and I usually create a little craft for the kids.” 

When asked what she is most thankful for, Capul says “My son, that’s an easy one,” “Without a doubt, most grateful for that little nugget”

When asked what she is most thankful for, Ms. Sowka says, “Food, and obviously family but the food is what unites everybody, so it’s good for that reason, too.”

Sowka says she is most thankful for her family and her kids, their health, jobs, and being able to provide for herself and her family. She also said that she gets together with her in-laws and her mother. They like to watch football and eat.