National Art Honor Society members paint the local business windows of the Village of Monroe for Halloween

Tessa Lytle, Staff Writer

On October 19, artists of the Monroe-Woodbury National Art Honor Society painted local business windows in the Village of Monroe.

This annual window painting event is done to add festive decorations to the village in preparations for the Halloween parade.

“It’s a great way to get connected to the community,” said Mr. McElroy, the director of the National Art Honor Society and head of the Monroe-Woodbury art department. “It also advocates for the arts. So it’s a win-win situation for everybody, students enjoy it, the community enjoys it.”

The National Art Honor Society has traveled to paint in the Village of Monroe for the past five years.

Numerous businesses participated in the event, such as the Monroe Theater and Javajo’s Coffee Bar. Both Amendola’s Pizza and Planet Pizza provided lunch for the painters, and Oceans Sports and Seafood offered water to prep and clean supplies.

Katie Morgante and Abigail Baier, students who participated in window painting for their second year, shared their love for painting and contributing to the community.

“It’s good for the community and it’s nice seeing all of the painted windows, and it’s fun,” said Morgante.

The best part of window painting is “when we reach the point where we listen to Bohemian Rhapsody over the speaker as we’re painting… or when [we] listened to Starry Night and started crying,” said Baier.

This year the National Art Honor Society plans to travel to the Village of Monroe a second time to paint windows for the holiday season and include even more businesses that wish to participate.