Students can use new system to anonymously report harmful situations
June 4, 2018
As of March 19, 2018, the M-W High School and Middle School have adopted Anonymous Alerts, a new online reporting system, which will allow students to collaborate with the district administration to combat bullying and other potentially harmful situations faced by students.
Anonymous Alerts can be used by students, parents, staff, members of the community, and school administrators. The website is linked on the High School and Middle School pages, and there is also a mobile app available.
On the website or app, there is a list of incident types which range from bullying, depression, family difficulties, drug and alcohol problems, sexual harassment, guns or other weapons in school or suspicious behavior that may require attention by school or police. There is also an option to send a photo, screenshot, or video.
The system will be monitored by school administration from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. throughout the school year. Currently, the reports are only received by school administrators, but High School Assistant Principal Mr. Yarmus said that the system will be expanded in the future to possibly include guidance counselors. The system is also planned to go district-wide, later on, to include the elementary schools as well.
Nicole Beneat, a junior, believes that this system will bear positive results.
“This is a way to get things solved without getting someone hurt in the middle,” Beneat said, explaining that students often fear that they will face retaliation from their peers for speaking up against someone.
Another student, Justin Taunton, a freshman, agreed that Anonymous Alerts is a good idea.
“It’s a good way of monitoring things in the school and I think it will help people who are too afraid to speak up,” Taunton said. “It’s better because we’re so tech-savvy these days.”
In the aftermath of recent school shootings, there has been an increased awareness that many things go on in the community that often goes undetected by the school and officials. This new system makes it easier for everyone to report what they say with the click of a button on their phone screen, and the goal is to help empower people to speak up without the fear of endangering themselves.